Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday made an aerial survey of flood affected areas of the state. Mr. Kumar made aerial survey of seven districts in two phase. In the first phase Mr Kumar made an aerial survey of districts of Begusarai, Khagaria, Bhagalpur and Madhepura while in second phase he surveyed Nawada, Nalanda and Patna.
After the surveying Nitish Kumar said the state is witnessing flood due to unprecedented heavy downpour before scheduled time of monsoon. The Chief Minister held review meeting with DMs of flood-affected districts and instructed them to speed up relief and
rescue operations.
Meanwhile, there is no let up in flood situation in the state. Several rivers including , Bagmati, Gandak and Kosi is flowing above danger mark.The flood situation in East and west Champaran further worsened following rise if watter level of river Gandak.
Rail traffic on Darbhanga- Samastipur rail section suspended on the sixth day consecutive today following inundation of railway track. Ten trains on this route has been cancelled yesterday while Long rout trains diverted on alternative route.