In Bihar, amid lockdown the government has set up community kitchens in various places to provide food to the poor. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has given instructions to set up community kitchens at every block of the state so that maximum people get the benefits. Mr Kumar said the state government is taking all necessary steps to protect the life of the people infected by COVID 19.
Meanwhile Bihar is witnessing a sharp decline in fresh COVID-19 cases. The
state's recovery rate has risen to about 90 per cent, while the test positivity rate has declined to 4.65 per cent. Over five lakh 95 thousand people have so far recovered from the infection.
Six thousand 286 fresh COVID cases were reported in the state during the last 24 hours and 11 thousand 174 people recovered yesterday. In all, 64 thousand 698 patients are receiving treatment in different hospitals of the state.