The Bihar government has cancelled leaves of all police officials in view of lockdown. Police officials have been instructed to monitor lockdown strictly throughout the state. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar urged people of the state to defer wedding ceremonies in their families in the wake of surging cases of corona pandemic across the state.
This will help to break the chain of infection in the state.The state government has imposed complete lockdown in Bihar till 15th of this month to contain the spread of Coronavirus.
Meanwhile the number of fresh Corona cases continues to rise rapidly. A record number of 14 thousand 836 cases were reported
One hundred and sixty people died during the last 24 hours. With this, the number of casualties due to the pandemic has gone up to two thousand 987.
The positivity rate has gone up to about 16 percent.
Patna reported two thousand 420 positive cases, the highest in the state, followed by 857 in Vaishali district.
The active cases have crossed one lakh thirteen thousand four hundred and seventy nine.
The recovery rate is decreasing and now stands at 78.38 percent. Four lakh twenty two thousand two hundred and ten people have recovered from the infection so far.