Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday reviewed the status of coronavirus infection in the state. After the review meet, the chief minister tweeted "the status of Covid was reviewed. In view of the situation of corona infection, it has been decided to extend all the restrictions currently in force till 6 February 2022." "All of you are requested to take special precautions and follow the guidelines issued by the government," he added.
Amid a surge in the number of Covid
cases in the state, night curfew was imposed on January 6 from 10pm to 5am till January 21. The decision was announced following a meeting of the crisis management group (CMG) chaired by chief minister Nitish Kumar. The government order said that pre-school and classes 1 to 8 will remain closed. However, online classes will continue. The guidelines said educational institutions for Classes 9 to 12 will function with 50% capacity. 4,063 people tested positive for the virus in the last 24 hours in the state.