Bihar Tourism Minister and BJP leader Narayan Prasad's son Bablu Prasad allegedly thrashed some locals and fired in the air to scare away a group of children who were playing cricket on his farm.
The incident, that took place in Hardia village in Bihar’s West Champaran district on Sunday, was caught on camera. Images showed Bablu Prasad chasing away the kids while holding a rifle in his hand. Some people were allegedly injured in the incident.
"Kids were playing cricket here. 4-5 people started beating them, hit a man with the butt of a gun and opened fire. One of them was
Narayan's [Prasad] son," an eyewitness to the incident told news agency ANI.
After the villagers got to know about the incident, they reached Narayan Prasad's residence, vandalised his vehicle and allegedly thrashed his son. Bablu Prasad, who is now admitted to a hospital, has denied the allegations of firing shots in the air.
According to Superintendent of Police Upendra Verma, the minister's son was accompanied by uncle Harendra Prasad, manager Vijay and other associates, all of whom sustained injuries in the clash.