BJP announced the first list of 57 candidates for the Delhi Assembly polls yesterday. Leader of Opposition in Assembly Vijender Gupta will be the party candidate from Rohini. Party National Secretary and former MLA R P Singh will contest from Rajinder Nagar. Former AAP MLA Kapil Mishra who joined BJP last year will contest from Model Town. Party has fielded Ravi Negi from Patparganj seat against senior AAP leader and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia.
Delhi BJP chief Manoj Tiwari announced
the names in the presence of party election in-charge Prakash Javadekar. Tiwari said names of remaining 13 candidates will be announced soon.
Meanwhile, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Subhash Chopra launched a 120-second theme song 'Congress Wali Dilli' for the party’s campaign for the elections.
Polling will be held in all 70 seats on the 8th of next month and counting will be held on 11th of February.