Karnataka BJP leader and former MLA A Papareddy allegedly slapped a police constable in Raichur district on Wednesday after he was stopped from burning an effigy of Congress leader and former chief minister Siddaramaiah during a protest.
A video clip of Papareddy arguing and slapping constable A Raghavendra, who was in civilian clothes, is being shared on various social media platforms. Raghavendra is attached to Raichur police station.
Meanwhile, the former MLA claimed that he mistook the policeman for a BJP activist. On Wednesday, along with Papareddy, BJP’s Scheduled Castes’ Morcha orgainised a protest against Sidaramaiah over his recent remark at an election rally in Sindgi where he reportedly said that Dalit leaders had quit Congress and joined BJP to secure their livelihood.
BJP’s SC Morcha workers accused the former chief
minister of insulting the Dalit community and attempted to burn his effigy. However, a few policemen in casual clothes, including Raghavendra, prevented the workers from burning the effigy and took it away from the protest site. It was at this time that Papareddy allegedly slapped Raghavendra.
Papareddy has, however, refused to offer any apology. “I mistook the policeman in casual clothes for a BJP worker, he had a BJP flag and took the effigy away from the protest site,” he said.
Meanwhile, Raichur police said they are going to investigate the issue and take action against the former MLA. Speaking to The Indian Express, Superintendent of Police, Raichur district, Nikhil B, said, “We are collecting information about what exactly happened during the protest. I am also meeting the constable for more information about the incident and will investigate and book a case soon.