BJP MLA Kalidas Kolambkar was sworn in yesterday as the pro-tem speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. Governor C. P. Radhakrishnan administered the oath of office and secrecy to Mr Kolambkar at Mumbai’s Raj Bhavan, in the presence of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chairperson of the Legislative Council Dr. Neelam Gorhe, and other dignitaries. Mr. Kolambkar will preside over the special session of the Maharashtra Legislature, which is scheduled to begin on 7th December and conclude on
9th December.
Kalidas Kolambkar represents the Wadala Assembly constituency and has been elected eight times to represent this seat. As pro-tem speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Kolambkar will administer the oath of office to the 288 newly-elected members of the Legislative Assembly and conduct the election of the Assembly Speaker on 9th December. Following this, the Governor will address both Houses of the Maharashtra Legislature.