New Delhi: BJP President Jagat Prakash Nadda released a book titled 'Amrutkaal ki Ore' in New Delhi based on nine Years' Achievements of the Narendra Modi Government. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Nadda said the nine years of the Modi government have transformed the country and its progress is being recognised by the world today.
He said, there has been a big difference since 2014 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office. The BJP president said, from policy paralysis to a bold decision-making government, the political culture has changed
drastically. He said, earlier there used to be vote bank politics and now it is report card politics.
Taking on Rahul Gandhi, he said, whenever India sets new records, the Congress leader cannot digest India's pride. He said, on the one hand, he raises questions on the surgical strike, talks about dividing Hindu-Muslim and on the other hand he says that he is running a shop of love. Mr. Nadda alleged that the Congress leader is not running any shop of love but has opened a mega shopping mall of hatred.