The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday released the fourth list of nine candidates, including Shikha Rai from Greater Kailash against Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj. Apart from Rai, the BJP has fielded Anil Vashishth from Babarpur against senior Delhi Minister Gopal Rai, Poonam Sharma from Wazirpur, Ravinder Kumar Indraj from Bawana, Bhuvan Tanwar from Delhi Cantonment, Chandan Kumar Choudhary from Sangam Vihar, Ravikant Ujjain from
Trilokpuri, Sanjay Goyal from Shahdara, and Praveen Nimesh from Goaklpur. Bawana, Trilokpuri, and Gokalpur are reserved for Scheduled Castes (SCs).
With the declaration of Shikha Rai and Poonam Sharma in the fourth list of candidates, the BJP has declared nine women candidates so far, including Deepti Indora, Urmila Kailash Gangwar, Shweta Saini, Priyanka Gautam, Neelam Pahalwan, Rekha Gupta, and Kumari Rinku.