The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday announced that it will hold a nationwide dharna (agitation) on May 5 (the day when Mamata Banerjee will take oath as Bengal CM for the third term) against the widespread violence unleashed by Trinamool Congress (TMC) workers post the election results. The saffron party informed that the protest will be held following all Covid protocols across all organisational mandals of the party.
Also, in view of the post election situation in West Bengal and attack on BJP workers, party chief JP Nadda is
likely to visit the state on Tuesday, Kailash Vijayvargiya has informed.
BJP National President @JPNadda will be visiting West Bengal on 4-5 May, in view of the widespread post results retributive violence unleashed on BJP workers and supporters by criminal elements in the TMC cadre. He will be visiting families of the affected karyakartas.
Speaking on the Bengal election results, Kailash Vijayvargiya said, "Bengal result is no setback to BJP as we made unprecedented gains; Left-Congress quit poll battle to help TMC."