New Delhi: After singer Kanika Kapoor shared on social media today that she had tested positive for coronavirus, a dinner she attended in Lucknow has caused panic. Politicians like the BJP's Vasundhara Raje and her son Dushyant Singh, an MP, who also attended the dinner, have gone into self-quarantine.
"While in Lucknow, I attended a dinner with my son Dushyant and his in-laws. Kanika, who has unfortunately tested positive for #Covid19 was also a guest. As a matter of abundant caution, my son and I have immediately self-quarantined and we're taking all necessary precautions," tweeted Vasundhara Raje, former Chief Minister of Rajasthan.
Dushyant Singh also attended parliament after the party, which drew an angry tweet from Trinamool Congress member Derek O'Brien, who has been calling for a parliament shutdown over COVID-19.
"This Government is putting us all at risk. The PM says self-isolate yourself but the Parliament is on. I was sitting next to Dushyant the other day for 2.5 hours. There are two more MPs who are in self-isolation. The session should be deferred," tweeted Mr O'Brien.
Kanika Kapoor, 41, has denied media reports that she hosted the party, but she did attend the event that featured many prominent people in
Lucknow, including ministers and bureaucrats. Some reports suggest as many as 200 people were present.
Kanika Kapoor arrived in Mumbai from London on March 9 and two days later, went to Lucknow.
The singer says she was screened at Mumbai airport but had showed no symptoms of coronavirus or COVID 19.
She felt a sore throat three days ago. According to her family sources, it took two days for the government health department to take a swab. She found out this morning that she had tested positive for the virus.
She then posted a message on Instagram. She has been placed in isolation at the King George's Medical University in Lucknow.
After the singer was confirmed positive for COVID-19, her parents and a help were also taken to hospital and examined.
"For the past four days I have had signs of flu, I got myself tested and it came positive for Covid-19. My family and I are in complete quarantine now and following medical advice on how to move forward. Contact mapping of people I have been in touch with is underway as well. I was scanned at the airport as per normal procedure 10 days ago when I came back home. The symptoms have developed only four days ago," the singer posted.