As per the latest figures till 14 June, the BMC has collected a fine of Rs 57,54,23,600. This whooping amount is inclusive of the fines collected by the Mumbai Police and the Railways as well.
Citizens who don't follow face mask rules in public places are fined Rs. 200 by the BMC.
Here's the break up of fine collection:
1) In the action taken by BMC, a fine of Rs 49,62,01,600 has been collected.
2) Mumbai Police has recovered a fine of Rs 74,18,28,00
3) A fine of Rs 50,39,200 has been collected from those travelling on Central, Western and Harbour railway lines.
Mumbai logs 575 new Covid cases:
Meanwhile, Mumbai
recorded 575 new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, pushing the tally of active cases to 15,390. The city also saw 14 deaths in the last 24 hours.
BMC officials said since the unlocking began, many people have been forgetting that Covid appropriate behaviour is needed at all times.
"We appeal to the people that for their safety and those around them, one must follow the laid down rules and not invite the virus. We have all worked hard to control the spread of the infection and it is the duty of the citizens to maintain this state at all times," said an official.
Talking to Media , Dr Rajeev Boudhankar, CEO-Bhatia Hospital Mumbai expressed worry over the behavior of the people post the easing of the restrictions. "Covid appropriate behavior has been thrown to the winds! Just a look at the traffic, crowded buses or weekend picnic spots gives an indication of the things to come.
Hence, the caution advised by the BMC and government is not out of place."
He added that the agencies need to be extra vigilant even as the daily Covid graph showed improvement.