Mumbai: Bombay High Court has refused bail to actor Armaan Kohli, arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for alleged possession and consumption of drugs. Kohli was arrested in August this year for possession of 1.2 grams of cocaine, a quantity falling under 'small category meant for consumption.
Kohli's advocate Aabad Ponda argued that the offence was bailable and there was no proof to justify charges of illicit trafficking and conspiracy as defined under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. On the
other hand, Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh, appearing for NCB, pointed out that Kohli has been accused of supplying contraband to third parties, for which he had received money.
The Additional Solicitor General also showed the court, Whatsapp chats and financial transactions from Kohli's bank accounts to point out that the latter had committed a serious and grave offence. After hearing both sides, the single bench of Justice N W Sambre rejected Kohli's application seeking bail.