Mumbai: The Bombay High Court yesterday took on record additional documents submitted by NCP leader Nawab Malik to support his claim that Narcotics Control Bureau’s Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede is a Muslim. Mr. Malik filed the school admission form and school leaving certificate mentioning that Wankhede was born a Muslim.
On the other hand, Sameer Wankhede’s father, Mr. Dnyandev submitted a set of counter documents that included his son's birth certificate and caste certificate allegedly showing that he indeed belongs to a Scheduled Caste.
A single bench of
Justice Madhav Jamdar was hearing a defamation suit filed by Dnyandev Wankhede, also seeking an injunction against Nawab Malik so that he does not post any defamatory content on social media. Taking on record all the documents, the court directed both the parties to refrain from submitting any fresh documents until it pronounces its order on 22nd November.
While Nawab Malik has alleged that Sameer Wankhede is a born Muslim, who secured a government job from the Scheduled Caste quota. The Wankhede family has, however, denied all the allegations.