Mumbai: Bombay High Court has adjourned the hearing on Dhyandev Wankhede's defamation suit against Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik till Friday. The complainant is Narcotics Control Bureau’s Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede's father. Mr. Wankhede has alleged that Nawab Malik made caste-based false and derogatory statements against him and his family members on various occasions, including his interactions with news media.
During today’s hearing, Justice
Madhav Jamdar asked Mr. Malik to file an affidavit demonstrating that he verified the information before tweeting that Sameer Wankhede is born Muslim but secured a central government job, claiming to be a member of scheduled caste.
Further stating that Sameer Wankhede is a public servant and therefore bound for scrutiny, the court also directed Sameer Wankhede's father to show that tweets against his son are false.