Mumbai: The Bombay High Court has exempted Aryan Khan from his weekly appearance before the Narcotics Control Bureau. Allowing a modification in Khan’s bail order, Justice Nitin Sambre said, the applicant will have to appear before the Special Investigating Team of NCB, Delhi; as and when directed, provided he is given a 72-hour notice.
This was after NCB's advocate Shreeram Shirsat told the court that the agency does not have any objection to the modification, provided he appears before the investigating agency whenever summoned.
In another modification, the court allowed Aryan Khan to travel out of Mumbai on the condition that he furnishes his itinerary to the agency
Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, was granted bail on 28th October, after he accepted the 14 bail conditions set by the Bombay High Court. He had, however, sought modifications in the order after the case was transferred to the Special Investigation Team of Delhi NCB. Aryan's counsel Amit Desai argued that the NCB Mumbai has nothing to do with the case adding that his client has been cooperating with the probe and has also recorded his statement.
Aryan Khan was arrested by the NCB on 3rd October on charges of alleged possession, consumption, and sale/purchase of drugs following a raid on a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast.