New Delhi: Border Security Force, BSF is celebrating its 57th Raising Day today. On the eve of the raising day yesterday, Director General of Border Security Force BSF Pankaj Kumar Singh said that strict border patrolling along with deployment of surveillance devices has drastically brought down cases of cattle smuggling between India and Bangladesh.
Briefing media in New Delhi, Mr Singh said, only 18 thousand cattle were caught this year compared to nearly 1.7 lakh cattle per year two-three years ago. The BSF DG said, most of the area of Bangladesh border is fenced and around 10 to 12 per cent area is not fenced because of difficult terrain. He said, as far as Punjab and Jammu border is concerned, drone
flights are a cause for concern.
Mr Singh said, we have had at least 67 sightings this year itself. He said, by and large, these are coming down with drugs, mainly heroin and we have been able to shoot down drones twice. The DG BSF said, the force is installing anti-drone devices and already some devices are working. He said, BSF will install more such devices in the time to come.
Rejecting allegations that the notification of the Union Home Ministry interfered with local policing, Mr Singh said, BSF is not trying to act as a parallel police and the powers to investigate and file charge sheets continue to remain with the state.