In a major political statement, Bharat Rashtra Samithi President and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday said the BRS would reject the BJP-led Centre’s attempts to get the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill passed. Stating that the saffron party had neglected the nation’s development and was pursuing divisive politics to trigger disturbances among people, he said the BRS has been opposing and would continune to oppose decisions of the Centre that are detrimental to the unity of the people of the country.

India, with its different religions, regions, customs and cultures, was a role model to the world for its unity in diversity. The BJP-led Centre, in the guise of the UCC, was now hatching new conspiracies to divide people on communal lines. All such attempts to disrupt the people’s unity would be opposed and rejected, he said, adding that there was a lot of confusion and uncertainty among tribals with special cultures, religions, regions and even among people who practice Hinduism over the UCC.

The Chief Minister’s statement came in the wake of a meeting he had with All India Muslim Personal Law Board president Khalid Saifullah Rehmani at Pragathi Bhavan along with AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, MIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, BRS working president and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao and Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali among others.

The delegation appealed to the Chief Minister

to oppose the BJP government’s proposed UCC, which it said was posing a threat to the existence of the people and their traditions and customs that were being followed by generations.

Coming down heavily on what he called the vicious plans of the Centre, the Chief Minister said the UCC was being proposed with malicious intentions. During the last nine years, the BJP government had neglected the nation’s development and sidelined the welfare of the people, besides ignoring more important issues that had to be addressed in the country, he said.

“Through the UCC, the BJP government is indulging in divisive politics to provoke people and create unrest and disturbances among them. Considering the malicious intentions, we strongly oppose the UCC Bill being proposed by the BJP,” Chandrashekhar Rao said, adding that apart from opposing the UCC Bill in the upcoming Parliament session, a strong fight would be put up against the Bill by joining hands with like-minded parties.

In this regard, he directed BRS Parliamentary party leaders K Keshava Rao and Nama Nageshwar Rao to prepare an action plan of activities to be taken up in both Houses of the Parliament.

AIMPLB members thanked the Chief Minister for responding positively to their appeal for protecting the culture and traditions of the people, irrespective of religion and region and to safeguard the State’s famed Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb.
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