Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned yesterday till 2nd March. They were adjourned after completion of the general discussion on Union Budget 2020-21 in the first part of the Budget session. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman replied to the discussion on Union Budget in both the houses yesterday.
The minister asserted that the government has maintained fiscal discipline under its regime. Ms. Sitharaman said, the nominal GDP of the country has increased from two trillion dollars in 2014-15 to 2.9 trillion dollars by 2019-20. She said the GST collection has been consistently improving
and one lakh crore mark has been surpassed in the last six months of current fiscal.
She also said, there is a positive confidence in the Indian economy and the government has taken several measures to strengthen it. The Minister said, the global sentiment towards India is favourable and that can be gauged by investment flow. Referring to opposition allegation that defence budget has been reduced, she accused the previous UPA regime of paralysing the defence sector. She also clarified that no resources have been cut down to any ministry.