Bengaluru: A 39-year-old Bengaluru man purchased a 2013-make Toyota Fortuner for Rs 10.2 lakh and then invested one more lakh to make it tidier. Unaware of the car's background story, the man bought the car from a city-based used car dealer.
Earlier in February, the police team reached to the car owner's house (R Rajkumar) and told him that the Toyota Fortuner which he was driving was involved in a murder case. According to the police, the court released it on the condition that it should not be sold or rented to a third person until the trial was over.
Rajkumar reached out to the car dealer from where he bought the vehicle (RT Nagar). The second-hand car dealer
promised him that he will re-pay the amount. Rajkumar filed a complaint with the RT Nagar police when the car dealer failed to return the amount.
While commenting on the incident, the car buyer said, "I am fighting a legal battle against what seems to be a big racket of selling four-wheelers facing issues like in my case," as saying was quoted by The Times of India.
The report further suggests that six other were held on charges of murdering Mumbai-based businessman. The Toyota Fortuner was initially owned by the businessman who had been identified as Vashista Yadav.
Asp er the charge sheet, a business-related dispute led to the murder of Vashista.