Union Cabinet today approved the agreement between India and Algeria on cooperation in the field of space sciences, technologies and applications. The agreement was signed in September 2018.The Cabinet has also given its ex-post facto approval to the signing of Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between India and Japan in the field of healthcare and wellness.
It will enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the areas of traditional systems of medicine.The cabinet has also given ex-post facto approval to the Memorandum of Cooperation between India and Japan to improve postal services in the Postal field.
The Union Cabinet has been apprised of Memorandum of Understanding between India and Morocco for cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. It also gave ex-post
facto approval to the MoU between India and Zimbabwe for cooperation in the field of geology, mining and mineral resources.
It also apprised of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between India and Armenia on joint issue of postage stamp. The MoU was signed in June this year. The Commemorative Postage Stamps depict Manipuri Dance of India and HovArek Dance of Armenia.It has also been apprised of agreement between India and Uzbekistan on cooperation in the exploration and uses of Outer Space for peaceful purposes.
It has also been apprised of MoU signed between India and Russia on Joint Activities under Human Space flight Programme. The Union Cabinet has also been apprised of MoU between India and Tajkistan on Cooperation on Peaceful uses of Space Technology for Development.