New Delhi: The Union Cabinet has approved the continuation of the Centrally Sponsored National Scheme for PM POSHAN in Schools for five more years, till 2025-26. The scheme has been approved with a financial outlay of 54,062 crore rupees from the Central Government and 31,733 crore rupees from State Governments and Union Territory administrations.
This will cover 11.80 crore children studying in 11.20 lakh schools. The Central Government will also bear an additional cost of about 45,000 crore rupees on foodgrains.
The total scheme budget will be 1,30,795 crore rupees. Speaking to reporters after the Cabinet meeting yesterday, Information and Broadcasting minister Anurag Thakur informed this after the cabinet meeting.
The Centrally-Sponsored Scheme covers all school children studying in Classes Ist to 8th of government and government-Aided Schools. The earlier name of the scheme was ‘National Scheme for Mid Day Meal in Schools’ popularly known as Mid Day Meal Scheme.