The Calcutta High Court issued a stay order on the bail of the four All India Trinamool Congress leaders who were arrested on Monday in the Narada sting case. The accused will remain in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) custody till Wednesday.
Earlier on Monday, a special CBI court in Kolkata had granted bail to the four leaders - ruling TMC ministers Firhad Hakim and Subrata Mukherjee, TMC MLA Madan Mitra and ex-Kolkata mayor Sovan
Chatterjee. However, they were not immediately released.
Shabba Hakim, daughter of West Bengal minister Firhad Hakim, took to Twitter to allege that the four accused were being held illegally and the verdict of the court was being disregarded by CBI.
The four had remained in custody because the CBI had moved the high court pleading that the matter be transferred out of the special CBI court in Kolkata and shifted outside West Bengal.