Cash totalling over Rs 40 lakh, 89 laptops, 193 mobiles and nine ‘mangalsutras’ top the list of things left behind by commuters travelling in Delhi Metro in 2024.
The items were collected and later restored to the owners by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel after the claims were verified. The CISF provides a counter-terrorist security cover to the public transport network that spans more
than 250 stations covering over 350 km of rail track in the national capital region (NCR).
Many items were forgotten by passengers near the X-ray baggage scanner in the station area.
According to official data Rs 40.74 lakh in cash, 89 laptops, 40 watches and 193 mobiles, personnel also found silver ornaments, including 13 pairs of anklets, as well as other pieces of jewellery such as rings and bangles.