Visakhapatnam: The CBI team has launched a detailed probe into the huge drugs seizure case at the Visakhapatnam Container Terminal recently. According to sources, the CBI officials had asked for the call data of the Sandhya Aqua Exports, the importers of the dry yeast laced with narcotics. They had also sought the details of the scanning equipment being used by the customs officials at the port. The CBI had also asked for the details of the payment made by Sandhya Aqua Exports for procuring the dry yeast and also developments in Germany port where the vessel berthed for a few days before it began its voyage to Visakhapatnam.

The officials

suspect that the huge quantity of banned e-cigarettes, seized from a shop in Visakhapatnam on Sunday, might have also come through the Visakhapatnam port, sources said. Meanwhile, a bus belonging to Sandhya Aqua Exports, parked at the SEZ Colony in Mulapet in Kakinada district, created a flutter in the area. Reports said that the local people informed the U Kothapalli police about the parked bus in the colony and the officials later checked the bus and found some files, hard disks and motherboards etc. According to police, the driver had stopped the bus in the colony due to brakes failure.

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