The CBI court here on Thursday reserved orders in the bail application filed by Gajjala Uday Kumar Reddy, who was arrested by the CBI on April 14 in the Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy murder case. The court will pronounce its order on May 15. Following earlier orders, the CBI Thursday furnished a copy of the case diary related to the murder case.
The CBI argued that Uday Kumar Reddy was a close aide of YSRC Kadapa MP Y.S.
Avinash Reddy who had destroyed evidence at the murder spot. Uday Kumar Reddy may tamper with evidence and threaten witnesses, the CBI said.
Uday Kumar Reddy’s counsel submitted that the murder took place in 2019 and was investigated for four years. The accused was arrested a month ago and there was no need for him to remain in jail, counsel said.