Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has alleged that sources have informed him about an impending Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raid on the residence of senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia. The claim comes just days after Kejriwal predicted the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on fabricated charges and warned of raids targeting other AAP leaders in the lead-up to the Delhi Assembly elections.
"I had said a few days ago that Delhi CM Atishi ji would be arrested and some AAP leaders would be raided. According to reliable sources, there will be a CBI raid on Manish Sisodia's house in the next few days. The BJP is losing the Delhi elections. These arrests and raids are the result of their
frustration," he said.
Manish Sisodia, a key figure in AAP and former Deputy Chief Minister, has previously faced legal scrutiny in connection with allegations of corruption, particularly concerning the now-scrapped Delhi liquor excise policy. Sisodia’s home was raided by the CBI in August 2022 as part of an ongoing investigation and later arrested, a move that AAP labelled as a "witch hunt".
He walked out of jail 17 months after his arrest and has been fielded by AAP from the Jangpura Assembly constituency for the Delhi Assembly elections. The Arvind Kejriwal-led party has, on several occasions, accused the saffron party of misusing central agencies to target and jail Opposition leaders.