Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora yesterday assumed Chairmanship of Association of World Election Bodies, AWEB for the term 2019-21 as India takes over the Chair from Romania.
An official release said, India was unanimously nominated to be the Vice-Chair of AWEB at the last General Assembly held at Bucharest in 2017.
The AWEB Flag was handed over to the new Chairman, Sunil Arora and it will remain with Election Commission of India for the two year term till 2021. More than 110 delegates from 45 countries attended the meeting.
Mr Arora announced that an
AWEB Centre would be set up at the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management, New Delhi for documentation, research and training and fr sharing best practices.
He noted that a number of nascent democracies are still working to stabilize their political system through improving their electoral and legal systems. He highlighted that this is where organizations such as AWEB provide a valuable contribution, professional support and advice by sharing innovations, experience and skills with support from and participation of its Members.