Central Government has allocated Rs. 5,117 crore grant to Madhya Pradesh under Jal Jeevan Mission to provide safe and potable piped drinking water to all the rural household in the state.
Jal Shakti Ministry said, keeping in view the commitment of the state to make provision of tap water supply in every rural home by 2023, the first tranche of more than Rs. 1,184 crore have been released.
Madhya Pradesh has one crore 23 lakh rural households, out of which more than 31
per cent have tap water supply at their homes.
The state is planning to provide 22 lakhs more tap water connections by March next year.
Jal Jeevan Mission was announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15th August, 2019, which aims to provide tap water connection to every rural household of the country by 2024.
The total budget for the Mission in 2021-22 is Rs. 50 thousand crore.