Centre has asked states along the Ganga to ensure strict vigilance and check future incidences of people dumping bodies in the river and its tributaries. Referring to media reports that bodies were spotted floating in Ganga and Yamuna in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh over the past two days.
Director General, National Mission for Clean Ganga, Rajiv Ranjan Mishra has written a letter to District Ganga committees chaired by District Magistrates. He directed them to ensure strict vigilance along the length of the river to prevent and check
such future incidences.
The letter said, the dumping of bodies and decomposed corpse not only causes pollution in the river, but is also unhygienic and increases the risk of spreading infections in communities inhabiting the banks of rivers.
Mr Mishra also said all unidentified dead bodies, unclaimed corpses of suspected COVID-19 victims should be properly disposed off in accordance with COVID protocol. He asked them to submit an action taken report in the next 14 days.