The Centre has cleared the appointment of judges in the High Courts of Delhi and Uttarakhand. In a social media post, Union Minister for Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal said, President Droupadi Murmu has appointed advocates Ajay Digpaul and Harish Vaidyanathan Shankar as judges of the Delhi High Court, and judicial officer Ashish Naithani as a judge of the Uttarakhand High Court.
In its meeting held on
December 22, last year, the Supreme Court Collegium approved the proposal for the appointment of judicial officer Naithani as a judge of the Uttarakhand High Court. In August, the SC Collegium headed by then Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud recommended the elevation of advocates Ajay Digpaul, Harish Vaidyanathan Shankar, and Shwetasree Majumder as judges in the Delhi High Court.