Minister of State for Atomic Energy and Space Dr Jitendra Singh has said that Chandrayaan-3 will open up new Moon vistas for the world. The mission Chandrayaan-3 will be launched on Friday from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. Dr Singh said that India’s earlier mission, Chandrayaan-1 had thrown up new light on various aspects of the moon, and for the first time brought before the world the evidence of the presence of water on the surface of the moon.
He said, the whole world is looking up to Chandrayaan 3 with great
anticipation, expectation, and hope. The Minister said, Chandrayaan-3 mission signals March to the Moon one step closer and also demonstrates the fact that India is not lagging behind other countries.
He said, the unique feature of this mission is that it will not only observe the Moon from the Moon but will also see Earth from the Moon. Dr Singh said, out of 424 foreign satellites launched till date by India, 389 were launched in the last nine years of this government.