Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has appealed to the people to be in view of the increasing cases of delta plus variant of coronavirus in the neighboring states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The Chief Minister has asked the citizens to adopt Covid appropriate behavior. He laid thrust on wearing a mask, keeping physical distance and washing hands.
Along with this, the Chief Minister has given instructions to keep strict monitoring on the movement on the inter-state borders. Till now not a single case of the Delta Plus variant has been reported in Chhattisgarh. Meanwhile, the Covid vaccination campaign is going on in full swing in Chhattisgarh. More than 01 lakh 50 thousand people are being inoculated with the Covid vaccine every day in Chhattisgarh. So far, more than 80 lakh doses
of Covid vaccine have been administered in the state.
Due to the efforts of health workers and local administration, now misconceptions about Covid vaccine in rural areas are being dispelled and villagers are coming forward to get the vaccine. There are some villages in many districts where 100% vaccination has been done. One such village is Tarra village of Durg district.
All people above 18 years of age have been given the Covid vaccine. In the areas of the village where there was some hesitation for the vaccination, the Health Department sent a mobile team and motivated people for the vaccination by clearing the misconceptions. These efforts yielded positive results and now all the eligible villagers have got vaccinated.