In Chhattisgarh, all 28 districts will be under lockdown from tomorrow. Lockdown has already been imposed in 24 districts of the state. In Kanker and Narayanpur districts of Bastar division, lockdown is being imposed from today, while Sukma and Kondagaon districts will be under lockdown from tomorrow. Meanwhile, the lockdown period has been extended in thirteen districts of the state.
In view of the convenience of the people during the lockdown, the administration in various districts has given exemption for door-to-door delivery of essential commodities like fruits, vegetables, ration and milk within a stipulated time frame.
Besides, fair price shops
under the public distribution system have been directed to distribute ration to the consumers following the Covid Protocol. Meanwhile, the state health department has decided that serious corona patients over the age of 55 who are undergoing treatment in home isolation will be admitted to the hospital for better treatment.
Lockdown has started yielding desired results in Chhattisgarh. Durg district has seen a decrease of about 22 percent in cases of corona infection in the last one week. In Korba district, the rate of recovery of people undergoing treatment in home isolation has increased to about eighty percent.