Chhattisgarh chief minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Tuesday, January 14, announced an aid of Rs 10 lakh to the kin of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, who was murdered in Bijapur district earlier this month.
Talking to reporters at the helipad in police lines, Sai said a building will be constructed for scribes and named after the slain journalist. Sai said, “The
deceased journalist’s family will be given Rs 10 lakh assistance. A building will be constructed for journalists, and it will be named after him.”
33-year-old freelance journalist Mukesh Chandrakar went missing on January 1. His body was found on January 3 in a septic tank on a property owned by road contractor Suresh Chandrakar at Chattanpara Basti in Bijapur town.