Raipur: The Bhupesh Government of Chhattisgarh has once again given a big gift to the farmers under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel made a payment of Rs 1,522 crore to the bank accounts of about 21 lakh farmers of the state on the occasion of birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
On this occasion, an amount of Rs 3 crore 49 lakh was transferred online to the cow dung purchased from cattle rearers and to the Gauthan committees and women self-help groups under the
GodhanNyay Yojana.
On this occasion, Chief Minister Baghel said that the government have adopted the vision of Rajiv Gandhi ji to eradicate poverty and build a self-reliant India in Chhattisgarh.
Following the path shown by him, the state government has started many welfare programs and schemes for all sections of the people including the poor, farmers, tribals. 'Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana' has been started to provide remunerative price to the farmers for their produce.