Hours after meeting Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) leader Chirag Paswan has decided to join National Democratic Alliance (NDA). BJP chief JP Nadda on Monday announced that Chirag Paswan will join the alliance saying that he will "welcome him to NDA family".
Taking to Twitter, Nadda said, "Met Chirag Paswan in Delhi. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he has decided to join the NDA alliance. I welcome him to the NDA family."
A day ahead of the NDA meeting in the national
capital, Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) chief Chirag Paswan called on Union Home Minister Amit Shah at the latter's residence on Monday (July 17). Chirag is deliberating with the BJP over his party’s share of Lok Sabha seats in Bihar for the next year’s Lok Sabha polls. After the meeting, Chirag took to Twitter and described his discussion on the issues related to the alliance with BJP as "positive".
"Had a positive discussion with the country's Home Minister respected Shri Amit Shah in New Delhi on issues related to the alliance," Paswan tweeted.