In a significant development, former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Chandrababu Naidu, has been arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) police in Nandyala on Saturday in connection with the Skill Development Corporation scam.
The allegations against Mr. Naidu and others involved in the case include manipulating contracts, misappropriating public money, and orchestrating a fraudulent scheme under the guise of skill development corporation.
The project in question
had a total cost of 3,356 crores, rupees with the government contributing 10 percent, while Siemens committed to 90 percent of the funding. Siemens, a major player in this scandal, conducted an internal inquiry and provided a statement under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) before a Magistrate. Siemens emphasized that their company had no involvement in the Joint Venture (JVO) or the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) issued by the government.