Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana today launched an official mobile application for Journalists to cover proceedings of the apex court. Speaking at the inaugural event, Chief Justice Ramana asserted that transparency is a time-honoured principle when it comes to the judicial process in our country. He said, hearing of cases have always taken place in public courtrooms, with access being allowed not only to the lawyers and the litigants in a particular case, but also to the general public.

The Chief Justice added that the access to the public is important, as the rulings of the Courts of law and more particularly the Supreme Court have a bearing on the lives of people throughout this country. He said the role of the media assumes importance in the process of

disseminating information.

Chief Justice Ramana also highlighted the introduction of another feature on the official website and mobile application of the Supreme Court. He said, this new feature, called 'Indicative Notes' is aimed at providing concise summaries of landmark judgements in an easy-to-understand format.

The mobile application will help journalists to cover the Supreme Court proceedings in a responsible and fair way from the comfort and safety of their homes, in view of the growing concerns of the COVID pandemic. The Chief Justice also informed that the Supreme Court is also contemplating to telecast live proceedings of the court cases in the apex court, for which the process of further considerations and consensus is already underway.
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