Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday alleged that the BJP-led Centre was trying to “punish” his government for supporting the farmers’ agitation by creating hurdles in its functioning with the new law that gives primacy to the Lieutenant Governor.
Addressing a farmers’ ‘mahapanchayat’ in Haryana’s Jind district, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener asserted that he is ready to “make any sacrifice” for the sake of farmers who are agitating against the three central agri laws.
He went on to say that anyone who opposes the farmers’ stir is a “traitor”.
“They (BJP) have brought a Bill in Parliament to punish Kejriwal. We bore the brunt. They are punishing us for supporting farmers’ agitation,” said Kejriwal, while lashing out at the Centre for the enactment of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi
(Amendment) Bill in March.
The chief minister said all powers will be now be with the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi.
“What kind of law is this,” he said, adding that his party despite winning 62 seats would have no power.
He claimed that each member of the BJP had said in Parliament that Kejriwal was “punished” for supporting farmers’ agitation. “I want to tell them that our 300 farmers have laid down their lives. For the sake of this agitation, even if Kejriwal dies we are not scared of your punishment,” he said.
He said he was ready for any sacrifice for the farmers’ agitation.
“Today farmers are seeing us as their well-wisher. Whatever punishment the central government wants to give me, I do not care,” he said. Kejriwal said that it is the responsibility of every Indian who loves his country to support the farmers.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?