Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said that he will soon revoke the ongoing Covid restrictions in the city, as the Covid-19 test positivity rate (TPR) has come down to 10%. According to him, the daily TPR has reduced by 20% in the last 10 days.
"COVID positivity rate has reduced by 20 per cent in the span of last 10 days. Today it's about 10 per cent, opposed to a 30 per cent positivity rate on January 15. All of this is because of the consistent pace of vaccination," Kejriwal said while
addressing a program in Delhi.
Under the ongoing Covid restrictions in Delhi, shops have been mandated to operate on an odd-even basis, and there is a weekend curfew starting at 10 pm on Fridays and goes on till 5 am on Mondays. Kejriwal today said that some traders had met him last week and requested that the curbs be lifted.
Kejriwal also said that presently, India is going through the third wave of COVID-19 but Delhi is going through the fifth wave of the pandemic.