Four people including main accused in Manipur women paraded naked video incident has been arrested so far. Tensions flared up in the state after a May 4 video showing two women being paraded naked by some men went viral. The video was doing the rounds on the eve of a planned protest march announced by the Indigenous Tribal Leaders' Forum (ITLF) on Thursday to highlight their plight.
Huirem Herodas Meitei (32), main culprit who was wearing a green t-shirt and seen holding the woman was arrested today morning in an operation after proper identification.
Reacting to the shameful incident, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Manipur incident shameful for any
decent society; my heart full of pain, anger. What has happened to daughters of Manipur can never be forgiven, guilty will not be spared."
Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has spoken to Manipur CM N Biren Singh over the recent viral video of two women brutalised.
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh too tweeted, "After taking a Suo-motu cognisance of the incident immediately after the video surfaced, the Manipur Police swung to action and made the first arrest this morning. A thorough investigation is currently underway and we will ensure strict action is taken against all the perpetrators, including considering the possibility of capital punishment."