Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday ordered the scrapping of 15-year-old buses from the state transport fleet and announced the disposal of 13,000 outdated government vehicles. The remaining buses in the state transport fleet will be retrofitted with LNG and CNG systems after the older vehicles are scrapped.
The decision was made during a review meeting at the Sahyadri Guest House, where plans for the next 100 days of various departments were discussed.
Fadnavis emphasised the importance of road safety and directed officials to utilise artificial intelligence to assess and mitigate road accidents. An agreement with Google was noted during the meeting and the platform's resources were recommended for
these initiatives.
The meeting focused on the work of departments including Transport, Ports and the Maharashtra Airport Development Authority. Key attendees included Food and Civil Supplies Minister Dhananjay Munde, Cultural Affairs Minister Ashish Shelar, Rural Development Minister Jaykumar Gore, Textiles Minister Sanjay Savkare and Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik.
Senior officials, including Chief Secretary Sujata Saunik, Transport Commissioner Vivek Bhimanwar, and several principal and additional chief secretaries, were also present.
The discussions were aimed at ensuring sustainable and safe operations in the transport sector and implementing strategies to improve efficiency across departments.