Vijayawada: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy would deposit a sum of Rs 6,12,65,000 on Monday, under the YSR Law Nestham scheme for payments from February to June, 2023, directly into the bank accounts of 2,677 junior advocates.
The payment is at the rate of Rs 5,000 as stipend per month, meaning each beneficiary across the state would get Rs 25,000 for the five-months.
The CM would distribute the first tranche of the 2023-24 YSR Law Nestham fund at 11am on Monday at the Camp Office in Tadepalli. Officials said that by doing so, the government is standing by junior advocates in their initial three years of practice, when they hardly earn any fees from clients.
The Jagan government is providing a stipend of Rs 1,80,000 for each beneficiary for three years by annually crediting Rs
60,000 each. Under this scheme, the government has disbursed a financial assistance of Rs 41.52 crore to 5,781 unique beneficiaries in these four years, including the present financial assistance.
The state government has set up an Advocates’ Welfare Trust with Rs 100 crore for the welfare of advocates, under the chairmanship of the advocate general and the secretaries of law and finance as its members. The trust has so far provided a financial assistance of Rs 25 crore for providing loans, Group Mediclaim Policy and other requirements of the advocates.
Advocates seeking the assistance of the trust can apply online through or directly to the law secretary. They can call Toll Free number 1902 for assistance and complaints regarding YSR Law Nestham.