Vijayawada: Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy would deposit Rs 78.53 crore as financial assistance under YSR Kalyanamasthu and YSR Shaadi Tohfa into the bank accounts of 10,132 couples who got married during the October-December 2023 quarter, on Tuesday. As usual, Jagan Mohan Reddy would do so with the click of a button at the CM’s Camp Office. Including the assistance provided on Tuesday, the Jagananna government has so far released Rs 427.27 crore under YSR Kalyanamasthu/ YSR Shaadi Tohfa into the accounts of 56,194 beneficiaries soon after completion of the same quarter.

Officials said the Jagan government is providing financial assistance to poor parents to perform their children's marriage with dignity, through YSR Kalyanamasthu for the girls belonging to the SC, ST, BC, the disabled and construction worker families and through YSR Shaadi Tohfa for the girls from minority communities. The YSRC government is implementing YSR Kalyanamasthu and YSR Shaadi Tohfa on a condition that both bride and groom must pass the 10th class.

The bride should be

18 years of age and the groom 21 years. By the time the child completes the 10th class, they will be 15 years old. As the Jagan government is providing a financial assistance of `15,000 per year under Jagananna Ammavodi from Class 1 to Intermediate, they have an incentive to pursue intermediate too by the time they reach age 17. As there is an age limit of 18 years for the bride and 21 years for the groom to avail benefits under YSR Kalyanamasthu and YSR Shaadi Tohfa, and as the government is providing full fee reimbursement under Jagananna Vidya Deevena and an assistance of upto Rs 20,000 per annum for boarding and lodging under Jagananna Vasathi Deevena, besides incentives of YSR Kalyanamasthu and YSR Shaadi Tohfa, the students would join graduation courses and complete them to achieve good education. 

Under the previous regime, the disbursement of incentives totaling `68.68 crore to 17,709 beneficiaries was not provided. The Jagan-led government has nearly doubled the financial assistance across various categories.

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