Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said on Friday that the 125-feet statue of Dr BR Ambedkar would be unveiled on April 14, marking the birth anniversary of the architect of the Indian Constitution. A massive public meeting would be organised at NTR Stadium, inviting people from weaker sections from across the State.

Similarly, the Telangana State Secretariat complex named after Dr BR Ambedkar would be inaugurated on April 30 in the presence of elected representatives and other leaders from BRS. Accordingly, all Ministers and other officials would be allocated chambers in the Secretariat on April 20, enabling them to commence operations from April 30 effectively.

On June 1, the Telangana Martyrs

Memorial would be inaugurated on the banks of Hussain Sagar. The grand celebration of Telangana Formation Day would be organised on June 2.

“The construction of Dr BR Ambedkar’s statue, the State Secretariat and the Martyrs’ Memorial within the same locality, has a lot of significance. The Telangana Martyrs’ Memorial will be a constant reminder to all elected representatives visiting the Secretariat about the sacrifices of people to achieve Telangana State. The 125-feet tall Ambedkar statue is to emphasise the need to treat all equally and act with responsibility,” the Chief Minister told party leaders during a joint meeting of BRS Parliamentary Party, Legislative Party and the general body at Telangana Bhavan on Friday.
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