Hyderabad: Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Saturday said that the Centre’s services ordinance is ‘reminiscent of the Emergency’ issued by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975 and demanded that it be taken back.
“Even the Supreme Court’s judgment is being undermined by bringing in an ordinance. This is reminiscent of the Emergency. This is the Emergency that PM Modi and the BJP leaders keep raising their voices about. This is exactly the same… isn’t it?…
the Allahabad HC judgment was nullified by bringing in a constitutional amendment. This is the same model,” KCR said, extending support to the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government in the Rajya Sabha to bring down the bill on this subject.
Addressing a press conference at the Pragathi Bhavan along with chief ministers of Delhi and Punjab Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann, the BRS chief said that even Indira Gandhi was brought down from power by listening to the call of Jayaprakash Narayan.