West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee got injured during her campaign trail in Nandigram today. She is being taken to Kolkata for treatment.
Sources say Mamata Banerjee has injured her foot and even received bruises on her face.
Speaking to reporters, Mamata Banerjee alleged she was “pushed” by someone and has claimed that there was a “conspiracy” against her.
She added that her foot was swollen and that she wants to go back home to see her doctor.
Mamata Banerjee also said she will complain about the incident to the Election Commission of India. The Election Commission, meanwhile, has sought an
immediate report from the West Bengal chief election officer into the incident.
The incident happened around 6.15 pm when Banerjee was about to leave the Birulia area near Reyapara after praying at a local temple.
"I was standing outside my car with the door open. I was going to a temple there to offer my prayers. Few people came around my car and pushed the door. The door hit my leg," she said.
The 66-year-old chief minister claimed that her leg got swollen because of the injury and she was feeling feverish, besides having chest pain.
The BJP and Congress, meanwhile, have called the incident a "drama" to gain sympathy.
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