West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said that she would attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi's event in the state scheduled on Friday.
PM Modi will inaugurate a cancer hospital in the state through video conferencing. Mamata Banerjee will also attend the event virtually from her residence.
CM Banerjee has said that 45,000 people have been affected by Covid-19 in the last 7 days in the state. Out of the total,
2,075 Covid-19 patients have been hospitalised, she said. There are 403 active containment zones in the state, she said.
She said that the positivity rate has increased to 23.17 percent and the daily CD-19 cases have touched 14,000-mark, including 6,000 in Kolkata only.
The state has a discharge rate of 96.85 per cent, a fatality rate of 1.18 per cent and the total number of people in home isolation is 30,881, CM Banerjee said.